Mysterious Island and Trial of Bonds Translation Chapter 4

From Kirara Fantasia

Chapter 4: Now, Into the Island![edit | edit source]

Haruka: We're here on the island!

Kanata: It's surprisingly near as we walked.

Claire: It's nice to have arrived here, but where exactly are the trials......

Emily: Ah. Look there.

Kanata: A stone monument....?

Lamp: There are words carved on it. Let's see.....

Kirara: "From here onwards, pick the paths and advance, one after one."......and so it writes.

Haruka: It's supposed to be a trial to deepen our bonds, but now we're going one by one?

Claire: I think we are obviously going in pairs, but what's it talking about?

Lamp: Ah, there's still more. "At first anyone will be alone. However the different paths will converge again."

Lamp: "When the paths become one, you shall join hands once again, the strength of your bonds will be tested at the very end." It says.

Claire: Converge again..... so that would probably mean, they're connected later on?

Emily: We'll have to believe what's written here.....It's perhaps the only way.

Haruka: For the time being let's go. Even if we stop at some point we have to keep moving forward.

Lamp: It's divided into several paths. So then, let's split up and go.

Kirara: I feel a bit uneasy about this......

Haruka: Kanata! I'll see you later! Let's do our best!

Kanata: A-Alright..... Haruka, you too, don't get yourself injured.

Translation by - Mann -
Previous Quest
Current Quest Next Quest
Mysterious Island and Trial of Bonds
Chapter 3
The Island of Trials
Chapter 4
Now, Into the Island!
Chapter 5
Who Are You? Part 1