
From Kirara Fantasia

Room is a mechanic in Kirara Fantasia where characters from the character pool inhabit a house and live through a regular day-to-day life in Etoilia. Rooms can be used for obtaining extra Items, Stamina, and Kirara Points throughout the day. Rooms can be upgraded up until the third level. Rooms can store up to ten (10) unique characters from the character pool.

Functions and Interactions[edit | edit source]

Using and occupying the room can be used for a number of functions:

  1. Room allows storage of Kirara Points, each level increases the maximum storage allowed for Kirara Points.
  2. Occupying the room allows the characters living in the room to visit the Town and drop items on the Presents screen.
  3. If you manage to see one or more characters in Town, tapping those characters give Kirara Points and Stamina.
  4. Seeing characters as their 3D models, with special lines when tapped.
  5. Seeing characters interact with specific decorations, even say one or two special lines.

To Access[edit | edit source]

There are two ways to access the Room page.

First Method

  1. Press on the Room building located on the upper right portion of the main screen. The Room's appearance differentiates depending on its level. Nevertheless, the room building will look like a circular house that has growing leaves and branches at the roof portion of the house, which stars and flowers on each increasing level. The door can be found in front, facing the player.

Second Method

  1. Open your Menu by pressing the button located at the upper right of your screen. This should open a side display of other sets of buttons.
  2. Press the Room Button, located in the middle left portion of the side display. The icon shows a brown-colored couch, with the word "Room" written in Katakana.

Room Screen[edit | edit source]

Upon opening the Room Page, you will be greeted with a screen similar to this:

The large portion of the center of the screen is the entire room. The room is made of a 10x10 cell grid with a 2 cell height wall. The left portion of the screen is the living room. All active and non-sleeping characters can be found walking inside this part of the room. All room decorations can be put into this portion of the room. Swiping the screen to the right will show the bedroom. All characters who are currently asleep will be found there. Tapping on a character that is currently sleeping will wake up the character and immediately move to the living room. However, after accessing other parts of the game for a short amount of time, upon returning to the room, the awoken character can be seen sleeping again.

Visiting Kiraras (Not Pictured)[edit | edit source]

If the room screen is accessed in the middle of the day, there is a chance where the room's living in characters cannot be found inside the room, implying that the said character is outside the house. However, the game spawns a random character from the character pool in the room, where the character is "visiting" the house. The game will do this for each character that is out of the house. The icons of the visiting characters can be seen inside the circle. This displays disappears after five seconds.

Room Collapsible Menu (Hidden)[edit | edit source]

On the right portion of the screen, there is a tab where an arrow facing left is displayed. Tapping on the arrow displays the collapsible Room Menu.

Tapping the upper left button opens the Room Shop screen. Tapping the upper right button opens the Room Decoration Inventory screen. Tapping the lower left button opens the character schedule screen. Tapping the lower right button opens a warning pop-up of storing all the currently displayed room decorations. Tapping on the arrow hides the Collapsible Menu

Room Change[edit | edit source]

The button on the lower left of the screen that contains a green couch as well as a green clockwise arrow above it is the room change button. Tapping on this button changes the current to the alternate room. This button is only available for Rooms that are level three (3).

Friend Rooms[edit | edit source]

The button on the lower left of the screen that contains two shaking maroon hands is the friend room button. Tapping on this button opens a list of Friends and a chance to visit their rooms.

Hide HUD[edit | edit source]

The button on the lower left of the screen that contains the blue magnifier is the hide HUD Button. Tapping on this button hides all the UI on the screen to fully view the room without any extra menus on the screen.

Tapping anywhere returns the UI.

Room Levels and Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Icon Room Level Maximum Kirara Points Maximum Characters Maximum Rooms Price to Next Level
One (1) 10,000 Five (5) One (1) 20,000 Gold
2,000 Kirara Points
Two (2) 50,000 Five (5) One (1) 50,000 Gold
5,000 Kirara Points
Three (3) 100,000 Ten (10) Two (2) None

To upgrade the current room:

  1. From the Main Menu, Tap the Town icon located at the upper left of the screen.
  2. Tap the Room Building. A set of three buttons will appear below the screen.
  3. Tap the rightmost button. A confirmation pop-up screen will appear, confirming if the upgrade should continue. Tap the left button to cancel, tap the right button to approve.

Room Decorations[edit | edit source]

Room Decorations are special customizations in the room add flavor to the current design of the room. Everything in the room can be customizable. Decorations can be added or removed. Decorations can only be rotated into two orientations: Left-facing or Right-facing. Excluding the background, the wallpaper, and the floor decoration, every room decoration will consume a specific amount of cells indicated during purchase.

How To Buy Room Decorations[edit | edit source]

There are two methods in purchasing a room decoration.

First Method

  1. Access the Room. (This can be seen on To Access in the previous portion of this page)
  2. Open the hidden collapsible menu by tapping the arrow button located on the right portion of the screen.
  3. Tap on the upper left portion of the newly visible menu and the Room Shop screen would appear.
  4. Scroll through any tabs of the Room Shop to look for the room decor of preference.
  5. Upon seeing the room decor of preference, tap on the green button to proceed. A pop-up would appear, showing the room decoration purchase confirmation screen.
    1. Tapping on the left button transfers the pop-up into the purchase screen. All purchases made would go directly into the room decoration inventory.
    2. Tapping on the right button makes the room decoration appear on the screen. It would show the grid of the room and the decoration currently on purchase. The cells colored in green shows the amount of the decoration would consume in the room. The left button that appeared confirms the purchase, the middle button changes the decoration's orientation, the right button that would cancel the purchase.

Room Shop

Second Method

  1. Access the Shop.
  2. Tap on the bottom portion of the appeared Shop screen.
  3. Tap on the topmost portion of the new button. This would open the Room Shop screen.
  4. Scroll through any tabs of the Room Shop to look for the room decor of preference.
  5. Upon seeing the room decor of preference, tap on the green button to proceed. A pop-up would appear, showing the room decoration purchase confirmation screen.
    1. Tapping on the left button transfers the pop-up into the purchase screen. All purchases made would go directly into the room decoration inventory.
    2. Tapping on the right button would load the Room Screen and make the room decoration appear on the screen. It would show the grid of the room and the decoration currently on purchase. The cells colored in green shows the amount of the decoration would consume in the room.

How To Sell Room Decorations[edit | edit source]

  1. Access the Room. (This can be seen on To Access in the previous portion of this page)
  2. Open the hidden collapsible menu by tapping the arrow button located on the right portion of the screen.
  3. Tap on the upper right portion of the newly visible menu and the Room Decoration Inventory screen would appear.
  4. Scroll through any tabs of the Room Shop to look for the room decor of preference.
  5. Upon seeing the room decor of preference, tap on the red button to proceed. A pop-up would appear, showing the room decoration sell confirmation screen.
    1. Tapping on the left button cancels the selling.
    2. Tapping on the right button confirms the selling.

How To Place Room Decorations[edit | edit source]

  1. Access the Room. (This can be seen on To Access in the previous portion of this page)
  2. Open the hidden collapsible menu by tapping the arrow button located on the right portion of the screen.
  3. Tap on the upper right portion of the newly visible menu and the Room Decoration Inventory screen would appear.
  4. Scroll through any tabs of the Room Shop to look for the room decor of preference.
  5. Upon seeing the room decor of preference, tap on the white button to proceed. It would show the grid of the room and the decoration. The cells colored in green shows the amount of the decoration would consume in the room. Dragging the room decoration repositions the decoration. A set of three buttons would appear on the lower right.
    1. The left button confirms the placement.
    2. The middle button changes the decoration's orientation.
    3. The right button that would cancel the placement.

How To Remove Room Decorations[edit | edit source]

  1. Access the Room. (This can be seen on To Access in the previous portion of this page)
  2. Tap on any decoration currently on the screen. A set of three buttons would appear on the lower right.
    1. The left button would show a description of the room decoration.
    2. The middle button would show the decoration's placement. The buttons would change into Placing Room Decorations.
    3. The right button would confirm if the selected Room Decoration would be stored into the inventory.

How to Occupy Room[edit | edit source]

There are two methods in Occupying the Room:

First Method

  1. Access the Room. (This can be seen on How to Access in the previous portion of this page)
  2. Open the hidden collapsible menu by tapping the arrow button located on the right portion of the screen.
  3. Tap on the lower left portion of the newly visible menu and the Character Schedule screen would appear.

Second Method

  1. On the Main Menu, tap on the upper left button on the screen to go to Town.
  2. Tap on the Character Schedule screen found on the lower right corner of the screen.

Any of these two methods should open a screen similar to this:

  1. Tap on any of five empty zones to open a character pool screen.
  2. Select any of the character of choice to have that character occupy the room.
    Note: Any selected character with a different rarity and class cannot be reselected for another slot. This means that each slot can only be selected by one unique character.
  3. Repeat the previous step for every other character of choice to occupy the room.
  4. Tap on the new stamp button to finalize the room occupants. A pop-up should appear, confirming if the listed character would be the new occupants. Tap on the left button to cancel, tap on the right button to confirm.
    Note: Confirming the new room occupants disables character changing for one (1) hour.