Treasure Chest at the Bottom of the Sea Translation Introduction

From Kirara Fantasia

Introduction: Umi The Sea Turtle[edit | edit source]

Yasuna: We're at the beach!

Yuzuko: Woooow!

Kon: It's dangerous if you two get so frolic like that! You haven't even prepared your swimsuits for this, for goodness sake.

Kotone: Shizuku-chan, how's your sunscreen doing?

Shizuku: It's doing great. I got some to spare, so feel free to use them if you like.

Nadeshiko: The sea breeze feels good, this really is a wonderful place! Maybe I'll go camping with everyone in the Outdoor Club over here next time.

Kirara: Fufu, you all seem pleased, I'm glad.

Yumine: It would be even better if Tama-chan and the others had come, but they all seemed busy, so I guess it can't be helped~

Yumine: Only a few of us are gathered here, yet I would want to see more of Tama-chan's sōzeme.....

TL: Sōzeme (総攻め、そうせめ) is a Japanese slang, commonly used in the doujin circle. In the BL context it means the male protagonist dating every other male character.

Shizuku: Sōzeme.....? What's that?

Yumine: No no, it's just a saying in our circle~

Shizuku: Is that so.....?

Yuzuko: We're at the beach, so what shall we do? Dig a hole in the sand?

Kirara: What would you do after digging the hole?

Yuzuko: Eh, like burying a time capsule?

Shizuku: We came all the way here, so let's do something that's more summer-like.....

Kotone: Here! I wanna try kimodameshi. I'll be the one to scare!

TL: Kimodameshi (肝試し), or in English: Test of courage, is a Japanese activity, usually played in summer.
During kimodameshi, participants are first told some ghost stories.
And after that they visit scary places such as a cemetery, haunted house or a forest path.
Some people will dress up as ghosts, spirits, etc. in an attempt to scare the participants.

Nadeshiko: K-Kimodameshi!? Will a ghost appear!?

Yumine: This isn't something we should do in the afternoon right.....

Kirara: Also, there are rumors about some ghosts being around here, but they never came out.....

???: me......

Kirara: !?

Kon: Was it.... Yasuna-san just now?

Yasuna: Eh? I didn't say anything!

Nadeshiko: T-Then..... As I thought a ghost would really appear!?


Kon: No, I was wrong. I think I heard someone's voice over at that direction.

Kirara: Let's go and have a look.

???: (Shrieks) Someone!!

Kirara: We've found her! This way!

Kon: That girl is being attacked by demons!

???: P-People!? Please! Please help me!!

Kirara: Please wait, we'll save you!

(Kirara defeats the demons)

Shizuku: .....Seems like we eliminated them.

???: I-Incredible.....!

Kotone: It's alright now.

???: T-Thank you so much. You just saved me from a dangerous situation......

Umi: I'm Umi the sea turtle.

Yasuna: Sea turtles? You mean those turtles which swim in the sea?

Umi: Yes, I'm one of those turtles.

Kirara: So then, why is Umi-san being attacked by demons?

Umi: I came from the sea looking for someone, but I'm not used to being on land, so when I was still disoriented I was bullied by those demons......

Umi: If you guys hadn't come, I wouldn't be able to turn inside out and stand up by now.

Yumine: With that appearance I thought you'd be able to stand up normally..... You said you're looking for someone, so do you know anyone here on land?

Umi: The ones that I'm looking for...... are strong people like you guys.

Yumine: Eh?

Umi: I hope you can help me! Please save Otohime-sama!!

Otohime is a princess which serves as a main character in the Japanese folklore, Urashima Taro, which the event story is based on.

Everyone: ?

Translation by - Mann -
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Treasure Chest at the Bottom of the Sea
/ Introduction
Umi The Sea Turtle
Chapter 1
Once Upon A Time, There Was?