Yell for All Translation Chapter 11

From Kirara Fantasia

Chapter 11: The Culprit is Yasu...[edit | edit source]

Sprite: You idiot! Let me go!! You really want to fall!? Then!

Kohane: I'm not letting you go~~!

Kohane: Waaaaaah!!

(Both Kohane and the sprite fall.)

Kohane: Ow ow ow...... Ahh, that was so scary!!

Kohane: I got you! Aren't you scared of falling into a hole too, Mr. Sprite!?

Kohane: Everyone's a lot more scared than you are. So, apologize to everyone!

Sprite: What!? What're you on about!? I don't get it!!


Kohane: Ah! Oh no!

(Transition, to surface)

Sprite: W-What a terrible time I had......but at least, with this, they've been completely wiped out.......

Sonya: ーーYo.

Sprite: Ehhh!? But how!? You were......!!

Sonya: Your face is telling me that you don't think this makes any sense.

Sonya: Only the hole I was in is shallow enough that I'm able to reach my arms up......

Sonya: Kohane and the others were making time back then, so it was thanks to them that I was able to break myself out.

Sonya: Hmph!!! (Attacks.)

Sprite: Kyaaa!!

Sprite: ......!!

(Sprite makes a run.)

Sonya: Crap! I didn't mean to send it flying that far away......! Hey you, wait!!

Kohane (off-screen): Did Sonya-chan finish the sprite off!? You're incredible!

Sonya: Oh. Speaking of which you're all inside holes. ......Let's get you up.

Sonya: You have my thanks. You risked even your life to help me. Guess this is a bit of my debt to you repaid.

Sonya: I'm not sure if that thing has learned its lesson...... Here, grab on.

Kohane (off-screen): .....Okay!


Yasuna: Oooh~~! I'm finally back on the ground~~! Thanks everyone~~!!

Yasuna: Ah, speaking of which, Sonya-chan......

Sonya: What.

Yasuna: Didn't you suspect me~? That's so cruel of you~! I can't believe you'd suspect even your best friend~~!

Sonya: Guu....... I'm sorry alright?

Yasuna: Huh!? I can't hear you! Maybe my ears are busted because I'm too shocked at being suspected!

Sonya: You ass......

Yasuna: You're not being sincere enough~. Ah, that's it! I'll forgive you if you treat me to dessert at Leine-san's place!

Sonya: You cocky...... J-Just this time......!

Uki: Kohane~~! That's incredible~! You did well jumping down from there! Weren't you scared!? (♡♡♡)

Kohane: I was scared, but I'm doing this for everyone after all so it's fine!! ......This was a part of what's on my mind,

Kohane: but other than this, look, only the hole that buried Sonya-chan was a bit too shallow, right?

Kohane: In truth it was make or break for me, I jumped while hoping I'd end up in one of these holes,

Kohane: But in the very end I fell into a deep hole....... Ehehe.

Sonya: Speaking of which, it's only the second hole I fell into that fits me. Feels like it was dug in a different way. .......That's odd.

Uki: Plus, Sonya pretty much fits perfectly inside. It's almost like it's targeting Sonya from the very beginning.

Hizume: It's possible that only that hole was dug by someone else......

Sonya: That's it! That sprite, it said it did it because it seemed fun.

Sonya: That means, it saw someone else that was digging out pitfalls.

Yasuna: Gulp!! S-Strange isn't it~!!

Sonya: ......

Tamate: Huh, oh~? There's this huge shovel inside the hole that Yasuna-chan fell inーー

Yasuna: I-Impossible!! You're joking right!? I should've hidden it inside those bushes over there!!

Yasuna: Uhh, look! I got it here! My name "Yasuna" is marked on it, see!?

Yasuna: That's close, so close!! You almost got me fooled for a second!!

Yasuna: ーーHaah!!

Sonya: Idiot.



Yasuna: Uuuuu~~~!! My strategy was supposed to be flawless~~!!

Sonya: As I thought the one who dug the second hole I fell into was this bastard.

Hizume: Perhaps, the sprite came to set up a trap for Sonya-san, and after that she got caught by its trap.

Sonya: Well, as a matter of fact, it's pretty much still this bastard's fault.......

Sonya: But it doesn't change the fact that you guys assisted me in beating that sprite.

Sonya: It's my turn to give thanks, if you're okay with this. I'd be thrilled to accept a contract to assassinate that sprite.

Hizume: No, there's no need to beat it down, but it has certainly caused some troubling problems......


Sonya: So this happened huh.......

Sonya: I understand. I'm not sure how far I can keep up with your dance, but I'll cooperate with you.

Uki: That's wonderful! Kohane! Our efforts were worth it after all!

Kohane: Yeah!


Yasuna: Umm.......Everyone from the Cheer Club, would you please pull me back up.....

Yasuna: I'll work for you twice as hard as everyone else would......

Uki: Okay......

Published 1st January 2019, Local Time 01:33. Happy New Year everyone! あけおめ!!!
It's been a fun and enjoyable year here. I wish this Wiki continues to prosper and flourish in 2019.
Also, I hope you'll continue to enjoy reading the translations by me, KKohaku, and the others.
Brought to you and translated by - Mann -
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Yell for All
Chapter 10
Hole Me Tight
Chapter 11
The Culprit is Yasu...
Chapter 12
The Serious Prank